Makeaa, niin makeaa.

Ensin mieleni valtasi yllätys, vaikka tiesin sen tulevan. Sitten ilo ja lopulta pettymys. Sellainen hetkellinen yliläikähtäminen kun kukaan ei ollut näkemässä. Nukuin sen yli ja aamulla olin taas minä.

Vittuilu on taitolaji ja otan sen kohteliaisuutena. Tosin sitäkin on montaa eri lajia mutta tämä kyseinen laji on se josta pidän ja Hallikainen osaa sen. Sitä on jatkunut jo monta viikkoa enkä tiedä mitä se tarkoittaa. Kuulen kehotuksia eri suuntiin ja tottakai, ehkä pettymyksekseni, eräs negatiivinen kommentti  tuli kohteesta jota kuuntelen alitajuisesti eniten, edelleen. Toisaalta kannustava kehotus tuli vaakakupin toiselta laidalta, jos asian haluaa niin ilmaista.

Vaakakupin toinen laita, se negatiivinen laita joka edelleen vetää puoleensa ilman minkäänlaista epäröintiä, sai kaiken maistumaan mansikoilta. Yhden yön ajaksi. Avoimuus tuntui mahtavalta ja naurua riitti, oudoissakin paikoissa. Veden alla ja vielä katseet illalla. Pieni lupaus. Neljä päivää.

Tänään mietin onko seuravaat sanat osoitettu minulle.

I wasn't there when you needed me
You never let me in your life
I didn't say what bothered me
You sure said more than that
The silence that followed didn't do us any good
And it seems like you settled for me
Cause I was the best that you could get 
But there wasn't enough
I know what you want and you're not the one for me

I've been leaving you since the day we met
And it feels like you have too
I remember when I met you
The day I saw your smile
And now it's time to let go, oh, it's time to feel alive

The problems I had with you 
Are the ones you had with me
Even though we were holding love
We both know we drifted apart
I guess this is it – why bother when there's nothing left
When neither you nor me are here
Growing bitter and uncomfortably numb
Losing what we had
At least we tried but it wasn't meant to be

I've been leaving you since the day we met
And it feels like you have too
The reasons that I loved you
Are the ones that made me go
The reasons that I loved you
Oh, I've got to let you know

I should have seen it coming, should have known what to expect
I should have seen the signs, should have known that it was wrong

I've been leaving you since the day that we met
And it feels like you have too

The reasons that I loved you
Oh, are the ones that made me go
The reasons that I loved you
Oh, I got to let you know

I am sorry that we got here
But I'm glad, glad that we are done
I don't wanna go back there
Cause the love I felt is gone
Cause the love I felt is gone I wasn't there when you needed me
You never let me in your life
I didn't say what bothered me
You sure said more than that
The silence that followed didn't do us any good
And it seems like you settled for me
Cause I was the best that you could get 
But there wasn't enough
I know what you want and you're not the one for me

I've been leaving you since the day we met
And it feels like you have too
I remember when I met you
The day I saw your smile
And now it's time to let go, oh, it's time to feel alive

The problems I had with you 
Are the ones you had with me
Even though we were holding love
We both know we drifted apart
I guess this is it – why bother when there's nothing left
When neither you nor me are here
Growing bitter and uncomfortably numb
Losing what we had
At least we tried but it wasn't meant to be

I've been leaving you since the day we met
And it feels like you have too
The reasons that I loved you
Are the ones that made me go
The reasons that I loved you
Oh, I've got to let you know

I should have seen it coming, should have known what to expect
I should have seen the signs, should have known that it was wrong

I've been leaving you since the day that we met
And it feels like you have too

The reasons that I loved you
Oh, are the ones that made me go
The reasons that I loved you
Oh, I got to let you know

I am sorry that we got here
But I'm glad, glad that we are done
I don't wanna go back there
Cause the love I felt is gone
Cause the love I felt is gone